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Grow your business with Video Marketing

Video Marketing is a must-have marketing technique to achieve your business goals. In this fast-paced world it is getting to a situation, where it is next to impossible to think of marketing outreach program without involving videos. While many are aware of the benefits of video marketing, they think just creating a video and uploading it in YouTube or Social Media websites is enough. There is a lot more ground-work that has to be done and one must have a basic understanding of the different types of videos that can be created for each stage of the marketing & sales funnel. The second step is in promoting the video content. Mere uploading the video in YouTube/Social Media sites is not promoting. Just like any plan to work perfectly, there has to be a proper strategy followed by seamless execution. In our subsequent blog posts we will see in detail on how to go about it.

Now let us see, why Video Marketing is important. A simple search will throw up hundreds of statistics on how videos help in engagement & conversion. Let's not get into that, instead let us focus our efforts on trying to understand how videos help in growing your business.

1. Consistent Communication - Imagine you go to a meeting, all prepared and content ready in a powerpoint presentation. Still there is chance where we miss out on important point, yes this has happened to me as well. Well with a video, you can't go wrong. It communicates your message consistently without any deviation.

2. Better Reach - With plethora of social media sites, messaging apps like Whatsapp, Telegram, increasing mobile and broadband usage, literally the entire world is in your hands. Consumption of video content is growing exponentially. Just that you have to learn how to promote your videos judiciously.

3. Build Brand - Video help build brand like no other medium. Even with very limited budgets, one can create everlasting impressions on minds of target customers through valuable videos.As you consistently create and promote more and more videos, your visibility increases. At one point, the growth in terms of viewers and subscribers will skyrocket and so will your brand name. You never know, when that one video will become viral.

4. Cost Effective – It is said, that rupee saved is a rupee earned. So, if we don’t spend as much as we need to on marketing, we are figuratively saving money. Videos provide the best ROI and also help supplement other efforts like email marketing, digital & content marketing, even in offline medium (for example QR Code to video link in a flyer or AR video). Video is a great leveler and it is not just about throwing big money. Many small businesses through effective videos have outscored Big Ad-Spenders and gained better brand traction. With mass media, you need to have clout and money-power to promote your business but social media and messaging tools are providing an alternative platform and more importantly a platform where customers throng. So if you have a proper strategy even with a very limited budget you can create massive impact.

To know more about how video marketing can help grow your business write to me -

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