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Business Profile Video: The face of your business

Every company has their profile in form of a presentation (powerpoint/slides) or document (PDF/Word). Whenever there is an enquiry/need, they send this to those who enquire. In our previous blog, we discussed how attention span is reducing and that people would rather watch than read. In this context, it has become imperative for companies to have their own profile video. Moreover videos outmatch presentations/documents in terms of content and visual appeal. One key mistake that many companies are making is direct conversion of existing presentation into a video. Well, your company profile video should more than just a slideshow of images. The profile video is a doorway for you to reach out to prospective customers and engage with them meaningfully, it is an opportunity for you to tell your story and convince them about your credentials. A poorly done video will reflect very badly on your brand image. It is advisable to make right investment in creating a video that truly represents your brand value and your aspirations in building your business to the next level.

Key features of a good profile video:

A good business profile video talks about the company history/milestones, vision/mission & values, top management & core team members, the complete range of products & services, clients list and customer testimonials.

Concept & Script:

Your business growth story is unique and this must be conveyed properly. There is no point in force-fitting into ready-made templates. Sufficient time must be spend on creating a proper script and storyline which captures your brand essence. Only when the script ready you will be able to decide, whether to go in for live shoot videos or animated videos or use a mix of both.


Ideal length of profile video is 3-5 mins. However, it all depends on your story or content. For example, if you are providing a single product/service and company is just a few years old, you can convey it in less than 2 mins. Remember, it is not about the length but how effectively you can convey your story within the shortest possible time.

Where to use your profile video

Literally, there are 100s of ways you can use your profile video, let's see a few examples.


The first choice to place the video is your company website, preferably in the “About Us” page (ideally the Home Page of your website should display the video linked to your “About Us” page)

Sales Funnel:

Your company profile video can be effectively used as part of your Sales Funnel. Certain elements, for example testimonials can be cut separately and used.

Recruitment Process:

An extended version of company profile video showcasing your work culture can be created and be used effectively in recruitment process to attract top talent.

Other Uses:

Your video can be played as intro video in Business Expos/Webinars/Conferences

To know more about how you can create a compelling profile video for your business do reach out to me at

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