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Why B2B Business need Explainer Videos?

What would you prefer, reading a 10 page document or watch a 2 minute video that summarizes the document?

The answer is very obvious, we rather spend 2 minutes and if we needed we will read through the fine-print. Our clients are no different. Everyone is hard-pressed for time. In our discussions with many B2B Industrial/Institutional marketers, the most common response we get is that video is best suited for B2C communication. Nothing could be further from today's reality. Infact videos, especially explainer videos are the need of the hour for B2B marketing. Consider these 5 reasons, why we believe it be so,

1.Attention span has fallen drastically - Studies indicate the current attention span is around 8 seconds (fallen from 12 seconds) This means, that we have to grab their attention right from the word go. Explainer Videos are best suited, as they start with the problem statement. This will make clients sit-up, as they are looking for ways to their problem.

2. Make client meetings interesting - Even during direct client meetings, instead showing a presentation cramped with bullet points and launching off into a detailed talk, an opening video followed by a brief talk will be more effective.

3. People would rather watch than read - Reading habit is falling drastically. This is also partly due to the falling attention span. In the fast paced world, we tend to consume more information in form of audio-visual rather than text. People also want to watch in their own pace. So an explainer video will help mitigate this problem. As the video is split into sections, even if the client skips/fast-forwards certain portions, the key highlight info is conveyed in the most efficient manner.

4. Videos are content rich- It is said a picture is worth a 1000 words. But a video is worth 1000 pictures. So the amount of information that can be conveyed within a short span is tremendous. Technical information and key highlights can be elegantly captured and delivered to the client in an interesting way.

5. Visuals simplify complexity - However complex the problem, a single visual can help people understand better. Even non-technical person can understand the concept better and you will be able to convince much better with videos.

If you need further information on how videos can help your B2B marketing efforts do email me at

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